Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What I'd Like to Do in NYC...(Hither and Thither) 14 Jun 2010

Thank you for three lovely years, New York!

Three years ago last Saturday, Aron and I drove to New York--arriving smack-dab in the middle of Times Square in our huge moving truck--and began making our home here. We had been married just weeks prior.
I thought we should celebrate this past weekend by watching the 1967-movie Barefoot in the Park.

Have you ever seen it? A pre-Sundance Kid Robert Redford and a pre-Barbarella Jane Fonda--who are both very young and gorgeous here--check out of their honeymoon suite at the Plaza and move into a tiny walkup apartment in the village. It's all very light and sitcom-like, but I love Neil Simon's dialogue. And I love how their building is filled with these crazy characters and think of it when I get in the elevator with some of my favorite character-neighbors (the twin-couple in matching headphones; the 80-year-man covered head-to-toe in tattoos, face and all; the little-old-lady who writes threatening letters to noisy contractors and pastes them on her door; or the dog who is afraid of the slippery lobby floor).

Having been together for nearly seven happy years by the time we were married, Aron and I didn't relate to their shock at getting to know one another as newlyweds, but we did suffer some culture-shock when we first moved to the city. And it was fun to reminisce and marvel at how much has changed in that relationship. We definitely had a few "What have we done?" moments in our first six months--particularly after our, ahem, honeymoon with the city ended. It's almost impossible to believe! These days, we find our fondness for New York does nothing but grow. Happy Anniversary, New York!  

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